Product Description
As possibly KL’s first Improv taster Festival - “BALIK KAMPUNG”, 35 Improv actors - 8 teams from Malaysia and internationally are coming together as we humbly but with high anticipation ask Improv to “come home”! To KL ! This event will tell stories of “home” and “love” and everything in between that embrace the possibilities of a new fun future and community through workshops by visiting international Improv theatre instructors and coaches and all day non stop laughter induced Improv shows !
Early Bird All Day Festival Pass RM300.00
*Original RM350.00
(All inclusive - All Workshops + All shows)
Ala carte show slots - 150RM
3.30pm - 5.30pm
5.30pm - 7.30pm
7.30pm - 9.30pm
9.30pm - 11.30pm
Early Bird - Workshops - RM60.00
*Original RM80.00
10am - 12pm (15 spots)
12pm - 2pm (15 spots)
Early Bird promo ends
Pinball Monkeys
PowerPoint Karaoke
New Kitten Party
Les Musicables
Strangers In Sync
Mission Improvables
Eeming Manufacturing
Why Not Improv